Common sense is the mechanism an individual develops over their lifetime that allows them to connect the dots between perception, understanding, and judgment. As a person develops physically and mentally this ability to use common sense also develops; or at least it should. What is troubling is that when I read the news there is mounting evidence that as a society common sense is generally non-existent. Everyday people, professionals, politicians, doctors, and lawyers around the country commit acts of non-sense daily as though they never learned the basic concepts of perception, understanding, or judgment, the three fundamental requirements for common sense.
Perception: How a person interprets information
Understanding: The ability to comprehend information, behavior, and emotions of others
Judgment: The ability to make a decision or come to a conclusion about the information presented
This blog is dedicated to the not so common sense of society, politics, and education. The ideas, opinions, and possible rants presented are mine and I stand by them. Please enjoy with an open mind.
-Dr. Thomas Dogood